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blog posts
Theater of War
Gladitorial Game in front of Starbucks
Fargo and the Gods.
The Last Roman
A Discussion Thread on Facebook
Rob Cain and the Hipster!
First Edition of the Illiad FOUND!
Don’t ask what the Gods propose
Immaculate Forms by Helen King
Joe Franks is ‘radio noir’

Bad, bad Helen of Troy

Professor Richard Interview

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An Opinion on Ancient Troy by Rob CaiN
Put a kingdom where you can bottleneck the movement of adventurers. Own the land, the sea, and the highest hill and you are a power to be reckoned with. In that age, the riches were …
april 8, 2022
Bad Helen of Troy
Helen in Hell “And were you pleased?” they asked of
Helen in Hell. “Pleased?” answered she, “when all
november 30, 2021

An Opinion on Ancient Troy by Rob Cain
Put a kingdom where you can bottleneck the movement of adventurers. Own the land, the sea, and the highest hill and you are a power to be reckoned with. In that age, the riches were …
april 8, 2022
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Prof Richard Interview
Professor Carl Richard was featured on the podcast “Washington Wore a Toga”. The following is a transcript of the interview that was first published on the blog in 2011 …
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The decades ball
My cousin sent me a heads up. It seems there is a yearly event called The Decades Ball, at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City…
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I noticed that someone dropped in on my blog site after googling the following: Funny skits about the Roman Empire. One place to go to if you are looking for such…
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